Browse & Support

Start off by exploring our TikTok Shop. From handmade treasures to innovative gadgets, you can find items that resonate with you, your style, and your values.

Each purchase directly supports an independent creator, helping them continue with their passion! Plus, a portion of each purchase you make through Mariam's Showcase goes to Bestie Girl Co., which lets us continue to bring more fabulous finds!

Interested by how we earn commissions while supporting others? Our TikTok Affiliate Masterclass teaches you the ins and outs of TikTok Shop, and how to make it work for you! Plus, you can even get your favorite items for free! Let us show you how.

Why Shop with Us?

From your local neighborhood to the other side of the world, your shopping will help fuel creativity everywhere.
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Shopping through our TikTok Shop helps support Mariam's mission of bringing you the best finds, with a clear commission on each sale.
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Learn how to turn your passion into profit with our TikTok Affiliate Masterclass, and join us in our journey of support and earnings.
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Join the Movement

Ready to explore unique finds & support a list of positive, independent people/creators? Click 'Shop Our Showcase' to discover the wonders of our TikTok Shop Showcase, and consider getting in on the profits and freebies with our TikTok Affiliate Mastercourse! We'll do it together <3

Shop Our Showcase

Bestie Girl Co

TikTok Affiliate Masterclass

This isn't just a course, it's your ticket to transforming your online presence into a thriving, profitable opportunity. Our masterclass doesn't just teach you the ropes of using TikTok's diverse platform for financial freedom, but it also invites you into a community of likeminded go-getters with one goal in mind. Success!

Love From Our Besties

Launch Your Creator Career on TikTok

Imagine turning your presence on TikTok into a passion full of sales, creativity, and influence. That's exactly what awaits you as a TikTok Shop Creator. Complete this form to explore the possbility of joining Mariam's vibrant team, even if you haven't snagged our Masterclass yet. From free samples to live sales and beyond, we're here and ready to guide you towards success. Your TikTok success story starts now!

Complete The Form